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Wondering whether anti-wrinkle injections are suitable for you? Interested to know more about them? Weighing up the pros and cons of treatment? Whatever you’re wondering about, we’re here to help put your mind at rest. At our skin clinics in Marlow and Knightsbridge, we regularly carry out anti-wrinkle injections — also called wrinkle relaxers — on our wonderful clients. Let’s dive a little deeper into the treatment and what you can expect in today’s blog, with 5 reasons to use them in your beauty regime.

1. A quick and easy treatment

Wrinkle relaxing takes hardly any time to carry out — which means you can often have treatment on your lunch break. Sessions typically take around 20-30 minutes, though it does depend on how many injections you have and what you’re aiming to treat. Our clients are often surprised by how quickly their treatment is completed.

2. No downtime is needed

While any injection can leave you feeling a little sore or cause slight redness or bruising, in many cases, our clients develop no unwanted side effects. Nevertheless, no time off work is needed and there’s no recovery involved. This makes wrinkle relaxers a fantastic alternative to surgical procedures.

3. Lasting results you’ll love

Unlike a salon experience that might last a few weeks at best, anti-wrinkle injections can last for up to 6 months. You can experience smoother, younger-looking skin with a reduction in lines and wrinkles, and take years off your age. This is because the active ingredient helps to soften movement in the muscles that cause the wrinkles to show, and even form in the first place.

4. So many areas to treat

Anti-wrinkle injections can be used in lots of different places, namely the forehead, around the eyes, the brows and the neck. We’ll work with you to create lasting, effective results and can always offer other treatments to further elevate and enhance your appearance.

5. An affordable alternative

We often compare facial aesthetics to plastic surgery, and it’s easy to see why. Surgery can involve downtime, risk of infection and huge bills — as well as being a permanent change to your appearance. With wrinkle relaxers, you’re simply improving what you have, with the option to top-up when results fade or even adjust how much of the ingredient is injected (and where). It’s a tailored, individualised treatment, and one of our most popular here in Knightsbridge.

Book a consultation

Because anti-wrinkle injections are a type of prescription medicine, we need to be sure it’s right for you — and you’ll want to feel confident that your procedure is being carried out by a qualified, experienced and regulated professional. Get in touch to book a consultation about the treatment and see if it could benefit you.