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As a leading skin clinic in Marlow, we work with our clients to create results they’re proud of – and which last as long as possible. Today, we’re looking at botox, a highly popular injectable treatment on offer at our Marlow skin clinic. We’ll answer some common questions about what it is, how it works and what you can expect from results – so you can feel confident about your own treatments.

What is Botox?

Short for ‘Botulinum toxin A’, botox is an injectable treatment that helps to reduce movement in the targeted areas. This in turn can soften the appearance of any fine lines and wrinkles that are caused by repeated muscle movements (think smiling, laughing or frowning). The effects are long-lasting but temporary.

Why have Botox?

Many people choose to have botox as an alternative to a facelift or other type of invasive surgery. They feel more in control of the treatment and results as they can work more closely with the practitioner delivering the procedure, and the results aren’t permanent – so will fade in time. There’s also less risk, fewer side effects and almost no downtime involved with botox, which means you can carry on with most activities afterwards.

What areas can Botox treat?

Botox – also called wrinkle relaxers – can be used in many areas of the face, ranging from the forehead to the eyes, nose and even neck. Our skilled practitioners in Marlow will work with you to create results you’ll love, targeting areas you’re concerned about.

How long does Botox last?

Most people find botox lasts around 3-4 months, but it can still have an effect after this point. We usually schedule top-up appointments with our clients around this mark, to prolong the effects and leave you with consistent, lasting results.

Do men also have Botox?

Absolutely. Anyone over the age of 18 – subject to a consultation, to rule out allergies and concerns – can have wrinkle relaxers. But, the choice is ultimately yours.

What if I change my mind about treatment?

We will never pressure our clients to have any kind of treatment here in Marlow, however, we will inform you about every aspect of your treatment, including side effects and aftercare. That helps our clients make an informed choice and feel confident they’re making the right decision for them.

Book your consultation today

Get in touch with our experts to book a botox consultation today, or even give us a call at 01628 476550.